We'll see.. I'll got the result in 13 days..(really wonder why they have to say that the examinee should wait for exactly 13 days? why not saying 2 weeks or 10 working-days instead?) Is it a good or bad omen?? hehehehe...
In the nutshell, if you want to sit on IELTS or TOEFL here is some list that you might want to try or prepare:
- Allow yourself to have plenty time for preparation. Much better if you could join an intensive preparation class instead of crash course programme.
- Work on your weakest skill best.
- Do exercise on daily basis.
- Ask the IELTS conselour if you are in doubt about the test.
- Don't drink too much on the test day or you will come and front to the restrooms like I just did today!!
- May the LUCK be with you
I hope that my Listening and Speaking result are good enough to contribute a better total score or at least meet my wanted-score.
let's Pray...